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The Last of Us Episode 3

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Today's podcast continues our breakdown of The Last of Us on HBO with episode three. Episode three is, so far, the most significant departure from what those familiar with the game will see. While Joel and Ellie are still featured in the episode, we mostly follow the lives of two other survivors, Bill and Frank. Instead of facing the grim reality that the end of the world has in store for our characters, we face a different story. Can you still find love, keep your humanity and protect someone when it would be easier just to be alone?

Episode Summary:

Joel and Ellie begin the hike to meet with Bill and Frank. Ellie sees evidence of the government's execution of innocents during the early days of the pandemic. Back in 2007, Frank leaves Baltimore and stumbles upon the compound of Bill, a paranoid survivalist who reluctantly takes him in. The men begin a romance, sharing a love of music and food. Years later, Frank contacts Tess by radio and the two groups enter a tenuous friendship. In the present, Frank is terminally ill and asks Bill to assist his suicide after they marry. Bill, not wanting to live without Frank, kills himself as well. When Joel and Ellie arrive, they discover a letter Bill left for Joel. Bill wrote that protecting Frank gave his life meaning and that he has left Joel his supplies. Unbeknownst to Joel, Ellie takes Frank's pistol. They take Bill's truck and set out to find Tommy.

Live Stream Playthrough

Show Notes:

(00:00) Initial Thoughts

(06:37) Can Someone Live a Normal Life at the End of the World

(09:19) The Flashback Transition

(11:16) The Start of the Infection

(14:02) Meeting Bill

(22:24) Normalcy of dinner

(25:04) Appreciating the Finer Things

(35:33) Dehumanizing as Society Collapses

(37:36) The Attack

(41:43) The 10 Year Jump

(47:18) The Final Dinner

(49:53 )Jumping back to Joel and Ellie

(56:52)) Closing Thoughts