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Secret Crowds: Rise Up

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We all have a yearning. It's part of what it means to be human. We yearn for connection. We yearn to make a difference in the lives of people.

We read stories in books or listen to music, but we still connect with others, only in a different format. Even the most introverted among us feel this yearning. 

The need for connection has been highlighted in the last month as this pandemic changes the world. We went from going about our daily routines blind to how much contact we have with each other. Now we can see how we've taken that for granted.

In many ways, I see this yearning as a truth of what it means humans; we all want to matter, and we all want meaning in our lives. Believe it or not, now more than ever, we can make a meaningful connection with people. Each of us can do small things to help those around us. Each action ripples outward and affects the entirety of humanity. The micro informs the macro. 

These thoughts came to me while on a run through my neighborhood. I was struck by a passage from Tiny Beautiful Things by Charyl Strayed. 

"Run toward the darkness, sweet peas, and shine."

There is a tenderness and a call to action in this quote. We are being called to show up right now. We need to interrupt our primal survival software, where we focus on ourselves. Instead, we need to hold our hands out to others.

In the instant when this quote struck me, I was reminded of a song by Angels & Airwaves. The song is Secret CrowdsHere's a taste of the chorus of the song:

"Watch our words spread hope like fire

Secret crowds rise up and gather

Hear your voices sing back louder.

Charyl Strayed and Angels & Airwaves strike on the same chord.

They believe in the human capacity to share hope.

They believe in a world where every individual matter, and every choice we make collectively has the power to influence change.

We can choose to be part of the secret crowd that runs towards the darkness. We can choose to be a beacon of hope inside the darkness. We can use our voices to push back the darkness and be responsible for the kind world we want to live in.

Who's with me?


After having the idea for this piece and reflecting on Angels and Airwaves they have released a new song - All That's Left is Love

All proceeds for this song will go to the Feeding America COVID-19 Relief Fund. Check it out and spread some hope!

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