Starting on the Right Foot

Starting on the Right Foot Social.jpg

You wake up. This isn't your average day, you know what that's like:

The alarm hits you and you wake up with your heart racing and sharp intake of breath. You are groggy of sleep with barely enough time to get ready to head to work. You’re in a mad scramble to get your ready Barely having time to make breakfast and get your shoes on. You slam the front door closed behind you, trying not to spill your coffee and breakfast in your mouth as you start your day.

Today is not that day. You're up before your alarm. Alert. Today there is a calm intensity. You can get the day started on your own terms. 

You don't check your phone.

Instead, you choose to sit up in your bed and check-in with yourself, paying attention to your breathing or the sounds of the early morning home. 

Maybe getting the blood flowing is more your style, so perhaps you move through a few poses in yoga, or some push-ups might be for you.

Before getting ready for work, you take a look outside and connect with the outside world may be feeling the sun and breeze on your skin.

You are present in this routine. There isn’t any weight or anxiety of the day might bring. Maybe even a faint excitement about being able to start the day on your own terms.

Normally, you'd be first waking up, but now the pace is in your hands. You dress and make breakfast savoring it without a hurry.

As you walk to the door, you pause as you turn the handle and inhale deep. Feel the cool, fresh air enter your lungs.  As you exhale, with a calm purposeful step, you step through the door and close it behind you.

Typically your day doesn’t start on the right foot but today is a different kind of day.

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