Tools of Titans Review

Updated 08/18/18

I finished the book Tools of Titans if you're familiar with what Tim Ferriss' podcast you know what you're getting into when you pick up the book. To me, it was like reading a greatest hits list of the things that stuck as viewed from Tim. Which I believe is part of the magic of the book. The adaptation of the audio to text is surprisingly accurate as I have listened to most of his podcasts and added many more as I came across chapters for people who have otherwise not been drawn too. There were many points I would stop and reflect if not having a conversation with myself, but something that would stick with me for the next couple of days and I would tell all of my closest friends about a particular part that I felt was profound.

For instance, one of the earliest chapters that have changed me is from Phil Libin. He is the creator of the note-taking software - Evernote. Now here's where I break the mold from what seems what makes a high achiever compulsive note-taking or regularly taking notes. I never really write thoughts down, I like to be selective and write down as little as possible but what is most useful. But the more heard about what Evernote does, the more I was like thought I should use it. The most important thing is being able to access it anywhere saving to a cloud server, and the paid service allows PDF or pictures to become search-able notes or documents. The other fantastic thing is that my random thoughts on things I want to do like books I want to read, video ideas for my YouTube channel wherever I am I can spitball it on the page and it’s there for me when I have time to work on it. Or it just lives there but can always be revisited at a later point it’s fantastic. I can go on and on with this, but for now, I will wrap up saying that is making my life so much easier to work with weekly due dates with work, life, and school. Having notes in files in one place with a much simpler organization than anything before. If you're currently a student, this is a must tool.

Ironically, Evernote was one tool that struck me early on, and the reoccurring theme that kept capturing my attention was how many of the Titans recommended writing. Either in Five Minute Journal or Blog posts. But just to write even if you don't see yourself as that type of person. I most definitely don't see myself as that type of person, but I wrote the drafts of my thoughts on this book in Evernote and found myself turning to write more and more. Something is happening here. As Cal Fussmen would say, “good shit really sticks" (Listen to Cal here!)

This brings me to my next thought that Tim crafted this book masterfully as a way of capturing his audience in the written word. But the captures are kept short enough that there is so much more that could be worth using for the book, but we know space is limited. But each person as their own one hour plus of audio that you can listen too. For me, I saw it as Tim's take on the person, and I could go back and listen to the same thing and see if something else resonated with me more than what he wrote. Now, this not to knock what Tim has put in the book I just want to dig as deeply as possible for those that resonate with me which is the majority at this point.

As far as expanding horizons go I would have never guess how much I would absorb information. I love listened to master storytellers like Cal Fussmen and Jamie Foxx. Or maybe you’re more into science like Rhonda Patrick or Dom D'Agostino. Or you have Zen-like teachers of Josh Waitzkin the variety is endless, and even if you aren't interested in their direct field, they can teach about something either you didn't pay much attention to or something that can help manage another aspect of your life.

Overall, this book and accompanying podcasts have so much to offer, and I cannot stress enough that picking up the book will not radically adjust your view of life. As I read, the last pages it was almost bittersweet and like I had completed a journey such as Frodo returning from Mount Doom. Oddly present with myself, but at the core changed. How exactly mostly in small ways that add up to something more rooted in the center of who I am. This book will change you, and it will change as long you're opened minded enough to search for that wisdom within the pages.

So with that, Tim thank you for pouring everything you did into this book and that chapters directly from you are some of the most useful writing I have encountered. To any reader, whatever you see yourself NOT as this book will help you understand something differently and if not from Tim from one of the Titans will inspire you. From there you can dig deeper!! Get after it!

Get your copy of Tools of Titans by clicking here!


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