Adam Lowenstein on Reframing the Day

Adam Lowenstein is the author of Reframe the Day: Embracing the Craft of Life, One Day at a Time, which outlines 10 practices for creating a more fulfilling life by building more fulfilling days. Adam previously spent eight years working in American government and politics, most recently as speechwriter and strategic communications advisor in the United States Senate. Today, Adam lives in London with his partner, Erin, and writes frequently about politics, work, and life. Visit his website, see his latest work, and subscribe to his newsletter at

Get Adam’s Books: Reframe the Day

We hit record, and it was just off to the races. We resonated on many levels with our lived experiences and how we see the world. Overall, we think about how self-help and other areas get this bad rap either from materialistic gains or the obsession with becoming better. It's understanding that focusing or optimizing your life isn't just about pursuing being better at something. It's to seek to be a better human for not only yourself. So you can be more empathetic and compassionate, so you can connect and help others around you.

How do you leverage the skills you gained through different practices to show up for them when they need it the most? And with that, everyone, please enjoy this conversation with Adam Lowenstein.

Show Notes:

[00:03:53] Adam's Background

[00:06:41] Broken Narratives or Imported Values

[00:08:34] The Case Study of Millennials

[00:12:17] How COVID is affecting all of us

[00:13:59] Being ok with less control

[00:18:13] Everything takes practice

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

[00:20:32] It's how habits make you a better human not keeping up with the habit

[00:22:32] What is Adam's Reset

[00:25:51] Silver Bullet Soap Box

[00:29:04] You Can't Hack Your Way to Happiness

[00:33:33] We're still human at the end of the day

[00:36:44] Judging your self worth


[00:40:51] Who you are is not what you do

[00:44:10] How would help someone separate their identity?

[00:49:17] False Expectations

[00:50:51] The power of vision

[00:53:42] Steven Pressfield

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

[00:56:18] Seeing life as a trajectory

[00:57:40] Dealing with curveballs of life

[00:59:25] Craft and Mastery

How to Become an Einstein or Da Vinci: 4 Steps to Mastering Your Craft

[01:07:34] Self and Societal Improvement

[01:08:41] Connecting with Adam


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