Jordan Criss: Reflection, Headspace and A New Year

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My guest, today on the podcast, is returning friend Jordan Criss. As always, Jordan jumps on the podcast, and it's off to the races. This particular episode was recorded on new year's Eve, a couple of hours before 2021. We took this time to reflect on the year. This year was a whole bunch of change for all of us personally outside of the podcast. We dove in around the different things we learned about ourselves and what changed in 2020.

Even though we could have talked about the negatives in which we did talk about many of the negatives, we try to look for silver linings in both our lives in our relationships, and then also in our behaviors so that we could go into now 2021 with that much of a foot forward.

I think it's good to ask a question here. What do you take away? From 2020 that sets you up, for now, success or future success, not just 2021, but in the future, did you learn something about yourself that surprised you and that now you feel like you're ready for a challenge that you weren't before and I'll leave you with that.

Cause I think that's a great way to prime you for this conversation with Jordan Criss, and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for listening.

Show Notes:

[00:03:34] Reflecting on 2020

[00:07:39] Finding Normalcy

[00:09:38] What going to the gym provides

[00:11:03] Living in a studio apartment

[00:13:23] The ease of distraction and creating environments to focus better

[00:15:16] Some positives of the year

[00:17:19] Making decisions 

[00:21:40] Spontaneous connection

[00:23:55] What it feels like when people leave

[00:26:17] The draw of Colorado and unplugging

[00:31:00] Preoccupy the body to prime the mind

[00:32:04] How we use meditation

[00:34:45] Anxiety and To-do lists

[00:38:31] Being aware of bad habits

[00:40:46] What will the after-effects of COVID be?

[00:41:52] Introversion and Extroversion during the pandemic

[00:46:36] Differences between online communication and in-person

[00:50:09] Everyone has a different risk threshold

[00:53:47] Create a vision

Create a Vision for You: Guided Meditation

[00:58:44] Changing your headspace

[01:01:54] Takeaways from 2020

[01:05:22] The People that Matter

[01:09:13] Leaning into the curveballs 

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

[01:10:08] Closing 

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