Sarry Ibrahim on Financial Habits, Systems and Getting Started

Sarry Ibrahim founded Financial Asset Protection after learning about the Infinite Banking Concept (also known as the Bank On Yourself Concept). He saw this as an opportunity to save retirement accounts, real estate properties, and businesses from market failures and other risks. Sarry believes the number 1 rule to your money is to make sure it lives somewhere safe and accessible.

Sarry earned his MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management in Chicago, IL and has consulted companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield, Allstate Insurance, Humana, and Cigna Healthspring.

Website Financial Asset Protection

Podcast: Think Like A Bank

Show Notes:

00:00 Intro

00:37 Sarry's Background

04:02 Common Bad Habits and How to break them

07:11 Create your own systems

09:17 Remote Work

12:12 What beliefs do you have?

13:49 Avoid the hype train

17:33 Effect of Social Media

19:55 What gets measured gets managed

23:05 Mentors

24:55 Thinking Like a Bank Podcast

27:15 Recommendations to getting started

29:35 Recommended Books

30:23 Advice to someone looking to pivot?

31:47 Habits or beliefs that have greatly impacted the quality of your life

34:20 Where to connect?