Posts tagged Growth
Ivy on Creative Process, Exploring and Getting Better Everyday

My guest today on the podcast is my friend Ivy. For reasons you'll soon find out, she wanted to remain anonymous on this podcast so that we could share it on her social platform by the same handle.

Ivy is based in LA and primarily works with paintings. Her style is heavily influenced by street art with themes of self-love and life struggle in different emotions, which she portrays by combining portraiture words and color elements. Her goal is to create art that connects with people on a deeper level by evoking emotions and creating a sense of vulnerability.

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Corey McCarthy: Vulnerability, Starting Over and Checking Your Ego

In this conversation, we are joined by Corey McCarthy. I wanted to have a conversation with after watching the film Just Mercy. At the time, I was interested in learning more about the prison system and someone who was a part of the prison system. After setting up to record, COVID-19 swept the world in about a week. This shifted our discussion to talk around the work Corey has done to change his mindset and, in many ways, start over.

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Chris Ruden: Champion of Quitting Last

Chris Ruden is an elite Powerlifter, entrepreneur, model, and motivational speaker– despite his congenital birth defect leaving him with only two fingers on his left hand and a shorter left arm. Nineteen years into battling his physical situation, he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. But for Chris, losing is not an option.

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