Posts tagged Feeding Frenzy
Mystery of Mitochondria | Feeding Frenzy 30

In this edition, worth listening we explore the mystery of mitochondria from Radiolab. For a deeper dive and future exploration, we have a conversation with Dr. Vamsi Mootha, an expert in mitochondrial biology. Worth reading we have an article exploring Freediving through the lens of Alexey Molchanov. And as always a few other ideas worth your time!

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Remembering and Reflecting on 9/11

This edition of the Feeding Frenzy is a bit different than others I've done. Over the last week, I spent more of my time than even I expected reflecting on 9/11 and the events that would follow. At the time, I was only eight years old, so I was too young to fully grasp what had occurred except that many were called serve in the aftermath. This week's collection of content aims to provide the necessary context that leads up to and after 9/11. I am not here to argue right or wrong but rather to understand the complexities that have shaped American politics for the last two decades.

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Personal Freedom, YOLO Economy, and Anonymity | Feeding Frenzy 15

In this edition, worth listening we have a podcast with Balaji Srinivasan, an angel investor, and entrepreneur. If you think of yourself as a futurist, I highly recommend this podcast. Worth reading, we have an article from The New York Times exploring a new type of economy, the YOLO Economy. Worth watching we have HBO docuseries Q: Into the Storm, which explores the user Q and the characters around the anonymous website 8chan. And as always, a few other ideas worth your time.

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Jordan Peterson, Ketamine & Mental Health, and AI Assistants | Feeding Frenzy 13

Welcome to the 13th edition of the Feeding Frenzy in 2021! In this edition, worth listening to are two podcasts with Canadian Psychologist Jordan Peterson who recently made rounds within the podcast sphere. Worthing reading is an article from the Guardian on Ketamine and possible mental health applications in conjunction with talk therapy. Worth watching; we have a video from Kyle Hill sharing autism as his superpower; it is not about him but others who live with the condition. And as always, a few more ideas worth your time!

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