
What is Feeding Curiosity Up to Now?

Now with the completion of his Electronics Engineering Technology degree, Erich can focus more my energy into Feeding Curiosity!

What does that mean you might be wondering?

For Erich, Feeding Curiosity has always been about channeling his own curiosity into a broader context. Taking what he’s reading, learning, and otherwise experimenting with and sharing with everyone. The most exciting part of being done with school is that Erich can now create his own learning environment. He hopes to build is own knowledge base now outside of formalized education and begin to create a forum that will become a new way to learn.

Here are the guiding principles as they stand today 6/03/19 -  

The podcast explores the precarity of human experience. We challenge ourselves and others to Think. Question. Synthesize.

  • Think. |

    • What are you curious about?

    • Ideas or topics you find yourself keep coming back to?

  • Question. |

    • What questions do you have about interests?

      • How can you answer those questions?

      • Who can you learn from about your interests?

  • Synthesize.|

    • What have you learned?

      • Distill what you've learned and what you already know to formulate a new question.

      • Repeat the process to your heart's content!

Also, check out the short post on the Challenge Coin!  

Some short term goals:

  • Continue expanding the podcast and reaching to more unique individuals and organizations to highlight people who exemplify the goals we have set.

  • Learning to play the drums more effectively and produce our own intro music or tones that can be used during podcast

  • Creating a photo booth and prototype for a future studio setup that will have video!!

  • Writing more blog posts.

Closing the Feedback Loop:

We’d like to get more input from you the listeners and readers on how each of you is Feeding YOUR Curiosity! Use the #feedingcuriosity is an excellent way for us to see what you are posting. We're busy trying to implement something here and at first on Instagram to reshare what you all are chasing.

Here are a few things you can share with us:

  • What are you chasing?

  • What gets you excited that you never stop thinking about?

  • Books that have had a meaningful impact.

  • Lifestyle choices that have improved your quality of life.

Connect with Erich on Social Media:

Twitter: @erichwenzel & @feedingcuriosity1

Instagram: @evwenzel & @feedcuriosity

Facebook Page