Joe Jackowski on The Dangers of Social Media

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On today's podcast, Joe Jackowski joined me. Today's episode discusses social media's dangers and how we interact with it. By the end of this conversation, we hope listeners understand the tricks being played on users to get them to spend more attention than they should with their devices. Though this podcast centers around the negative aspects, we discuss ways to use these platforms more productively. Feel free to share your thoughts and insights about how you view social media and what you think are possible solutions to function better!


Show Notes:

Watch The Social Dilemma

[00:01:25] Social Media is Technological Cocaine

[00:03:21] Engaging with content

[00:04:28] Privacy tangent

[00:06:02] Connecting addiction and privacy 

[00:08:21] Can you leave your phone at home?

[00:10:41] Breaking the loop

[00:14:03] The Danger of Rabbit Holes

[00:14:54] Changing Incentives

[00:16:41] Sam Harris and Tristan Harris

#218 - Welcome to the Cult Factory

[00:19:30] How are the younger generations reacting?

[00:22:10] Limitations of human

[00:23:17] Mental Health and Social Media

Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health: Statistics, Tips & Resources

The Coddling of the American Mind (Amazon)

[00:28:07] Putting too much value in external platforms

[00:34:33] Value of experience

[00:38:50] Neglecting the present

[00:44:32] What is the cost of not having social media? 

[00:47:57] How social media polarizes us?

Why Social Media Is So Good at Polarizing Us

[00:53:09] Renee DiResta and Your Undivided Attention 

The Spin Doctors Are In | Your Undivided Attention

[00:55:06] What can individuals do right now?

[00:58:07] Look at your behaviors honestly

[00:58:49] The Courage to Be Disliked

The Courage to Be Disliked (Amazon)

[01:00:53]The vindictive nature of people

[01:05:46] An issue of awareness

[01:09:29] The Cuckoo's Egg

The Cuckoo’s Egg (Amazon)

[01:13:06] Distrust of the internet

[01:17:05] Ground News App

Ground News

[01:19:28] Changing belief

[01:25:09] Misordering of values

[01:29:15] Closing

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