Posts tagged Help and Hustle
Brian Sharp on Building, Failing and Rebuilding

Brian is a B2B technology executive and entrepreneur with 25 years of experience building start-ups and early-stage companies in roles ranging from founder to C-level executive. Along the way, he has experienced great success and devastating loss (and everything in between), but he is fortunate to have been mentored, supported, loved, and coached by some of the best and most talented humans ever.

Currently, he serves as President for SafetyChain Software, a fast-growing SaaS startup in the manufacturing sector, and President for a 501 (c)3 non-profit started by his kids, The Tower of Niceness, that provides “niceness for those in need”. When he’s not working on building his own company and teams, you’ll find him working on his passion for helping others do the same through writing on his blog (Help & Hustle) as well as hosting his podcast (High-Performance Happiness) - both of which are dedicated to helping leaders balance the art of building better companies and living better lives.

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