Films Erich Wenzel Films Erich Wenzel

Deep Dive: Robert Eggers' Nosferatu - Alchemy, Symbolism, and Horror

In this episode of Feeding Curiosity, we start the year by exploring Robert Eggers' rendition of Nosferatu. We delve into the film's alchemical symbolism and how it reinvigorates old-school horror storytelling for a metamodern audience. We also break down the film's rich narrative layers, from the intricate character dynamics to the underlying mythological themes. Join us as we discuss the influence of historical sources, the renegotiation of vampire tropes, and the deeper psychological and symbolic elements that make this film a modern classic.

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Business, Culture Erich Wenzel Business, Culture Erich Wenzel

Joey and Drew on Few Will Hunt

"Everybody wants to eat, but Few Will Hunt."

Today on the podcast with Joey Bowen and Drew Beech, co-founders of the apparel brand and community Few Will Hunt.

Joey and Drew spent their daily commutes through the gritty streets of Philadelphia on the phone for a year straight.

On these calls, they discussed business and life — especially the trends of self-entitlement and shortcut-seeking they witnessed in society.

These trends made them feel alone in an ever-softening world. “Are we the only ones that still believe in the power of hard work?” Drew asked. Joey responded, “It’s like we say at my hunting cabin — everybody wants to eat, but few will hunt.”

This statement perfectly summed up their frustrations with society. It became their mantra.

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Culture, Society, Travel Erich Wenzel Culture, Society, Travel Erich Wenzel

Derek Sivers: Creativity, Self-Reliance, and Dropping Assumptions

Derek Sivers(@sivers) is a creative thinker who is quite hard to pin down when explaining who he is: musician, producer, circus performer, entrepreneur, TED speaker, and book publisher. If I could sum up who Derek is, I would say he’s a philosopher and introspective person looking to push his thinking in ways he hasn’t explored yet. He won’t hold any belief or assumption too tightly.

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Science, Technology Erich Wenzel Science, Technology Erich Wenzel

Elon Musk and Inspiration

In this episode, we talk about Elon Musk and how he created a rocket company. If you are interested in learning more about Elon, check out this fantastic book, Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance. Much of what I summarize in this conversation only scratches the surface.

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