Society, Culture Erich Wenzel Society, Culture Erich Wenzel

John Tenuto: Pop Culture, Technology and Teaching

John Tenuto is a Sociology professor at the College of Lake County, IL, with over 25 years of teaching experience. He has given dozens of public presentations and media interviews on the sociology of the "Star Trek" film and television shows. Professor Tenuto has appeared on the Netflix series "The Toys That Made Us" for the Star Wars and Star Trek episodes. In this conversation, we talk about John's interest in pop culture and how it shaped his lens of the world. Next, we dive deeper into John's interest in Star Trek. His research now takes him on the path to understanding and highlighting those who helped make the show what it was. We close with how he views teaching and what he does for his students. Again, his caring and authenticity in the role of a teacher come through.

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