Posts tagged Video Games
Jordan Criss on Video Games, Simulations, VFX, and Electric Vehicles

Today on the podcast, I'm joined by Jordan Criss, a longtime friend, and guest. In many ways, this conversation was really us catching up after not talking for a couple of weeks. As always, it's a lot of fun for us to dive into all the things that we're thinking about, interested in or just the goings-on in life.

Topics we cover include storytelling in video games, VFX in films, photorealistic image enhancement, and more!

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Brandon Wenzel on Childhood Interests, Retro Gaming and Collections

Today, joining me on the podcast is Brandon Wenzel. Brandon is my cousin, as you could probably guess, just by the title of the podcast. Honestly, this was a treat of a podcast for me. So Brandon is a couple of years older than me, but we all had very similar shared interests growing up.

As is normal in our family, or at least seems to be more normal. Wenzel's have this proclivity to collect something, whatever it may be. So for Brandon, his big thing is retro gaming consoles, so that can be really old councils from the first generations of Atari and Sega, but really his what does closest to his heart is the PlayStation.

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