The Last of Us Episode 5

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Today's podcast continues our breakdown of The Last of Us on HBO with episode five. Episode five continues by giving us the backstory on Sam and Henry shortly after the FEDRA are overthrown in the city. From that, we catch up to the present, where the previous episode left off with Joel and Ellie. From there, we are given more information on Kathleen and the group. Much of our contention in this episode was how convincing the motivations of Kathleen were. The episode's climax is the confrontation from Kathleen's group as they catch up with Joel and the crew and attempt to flee the city. Everything erupts in chaos, with the infected being released from underground. We had some minor issues with how the lead-up to the climax was presented. All of our problems aside, the core of this episode was the emotional story between Sam and Henry. They were presented as a possible future of how Ellie and Joel may one day end up. This point is driven home in the closing scene as the group doesn't escape unscathed. The big question in this episode is would you want to continue living after losing the one you care about most?


Show Notes:

(00:00) Initial Thoughts

(02:57) Kathleen's Character

(12:10) Not Enough Time

(14:13) Kathleen is the Sub Plot

(17:33) The Emotional Story of Duos

(22:48) Production Meetings

(24:59) Slow Moments and Beings Kids

(29:33) The Bloater Suit

(34:40) Sniper Sequence

(41:16) Kathleen's Monologue

(47:13) The Sound Design

(49:09) The Closing Scene

(55:30) Sam Turning

(01:01:37) Can You Live Without the Person you Care About Most