The Last of Us Episode 6

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Today's podcast continues our breakdown of The Last of Us on HBO with episode six. Episode six continues the journey of Ellie and Joel, but they have moved much further west with a time jump of three months. We find them in the snowy mountains as they are nearing where Tommy's last location. Ellie and Joel are stopped on the road by a group of people with horses but are not immediately hostile. They are brought to the town of Jackson, a safe haven community that seems more self-sufficient and free than FEDRA or the Fireflies have shown was possible thus far. Tommy is found living among them, better off than Joel thought possible. Without the goal to save his brother, Joel begins to doubt he can see the mission through to get Ellie to the Fireflies and asks Tommy to complete the journey. Joel is confronted with self-doubt but doesn't give Ellie a choice of who should finish the journey until near the end of the episode, and we see a massive shift in trust between them as they set back out on their journey. The episode concludes with Joel being injured by scavengers leaving Ellie alone to fend for herself and attempt to save Joel's life.


Show Notes:

(00:00) Intro

(00:48) Time Skip

(04:39) The Old Couple

(08:52) Building Communities

(11:26) First Meeting the People of Jackson

(16:33) Meeting Tommy

(21:04 )Having Tommy Finish the Journey

(25:48) Ellie gets to choose

(29:12) Leaving Jackson and Looking for the Fireflies

(34:17) Cliff Hanger Ending

(38:33) Ellie learning about Sara