Posts in Science
The Wonders of Web3

Web3 seems to be gaining more and more mind share in the tech world these days. I recently listened to a podcast between Chris Dixon and Naval Ravikant on the Tim Ferriss show. I found the juggling act between Chris and Naval instrumental in thinking about the ideas in the space of Web3. I've said before that crypto is only scratching the surface of what's coming. So I wanted to share some of the ideas I found interesting from this conversation and other thoughts on Web3.

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Darwin After Dark: Evolution of Attraction

Human beings are inherently limited. The burdens of life cannot be addressed at once, shrugged off our shoulders or borne alone. Every action is taken at the consequence of another action and every goal is asserted at the cost of another goal. One could choose the pursuit of food over sex, or the pursuit of money over relaxation, but all too often the simultaneous pursuits of these goals are impossible - or at least cause tension. Human evolution is no different.

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