Value the Ideas of Others

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Episode 108 social.jpg
You don’t know what you don’t know.

Erich shares some ideas that he's been working through. In the last few weeks, the weight of the problems and chaos of the world almost feel insurmountable. At its worst, how can one person possibly make a real difference in the chaos?

On a more optimistic note, we can anchor in what we can control. Erich believes that starts with this, "You don't know what you don't know." What this means is that you have actively fill in the gaps by exposing yourself to people, places, and things that you've never experienced.

One of the most beautiful gifts this podcast has given him is the ability to empathize with people who think differently. It doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone one, but you can at least make an effort to say, "I can see why you see or believe that."

We need to end thinking in tribal terms when the world is more connected than ever, and yet in the United States, we can't even understand where our neighbor. In the end, it about being curious enough to see where others are coming from. We can make happen that one conversation at a time.

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