#18 - Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy is a weekly round-up of reading, listening, or watching that is worth your time. These posts will act as a weekly boost of signal above the noise that you can chew on over the week!

Worth Listening


Peter Attia, M.D. — Fasting, Metformin, Athletic Performance, and More (#398) | Tim Ferriss Show

“If you’re really committed to brain health, you want to be exercising every day.” — Peter Attia

I call podcasts like these a meeting of the minds. I was introduced to Peter Attia through the Tim Ferriss show almost two years ago now. Even with listening to Peter Attia's podcast weekly, it is still pleasing to hear what Peter has been thinking of or working on. On this podcast, he expands on his idea called the Centenarian Olympics. Centenarian Olympics would physical you should be able to do at the age of 100 some examples he gives are carrying 40 lbs. of groceries in each hand, getting up from laying on ground unassisted, etc. The idea here setting these goals and your back-cast to match your current age a certain amount of muscular decline as you age. There's much to this episode as well, including some fun things like egg boxing - you read that correct!

Worth Reading


The Mythical Ridgeline: Balance vs Being | Thrive Global

"Balance in life is not about spending more time doing things, it’s more about being present with what you’re doing." - Dr. Michael Gervais

The search for balance is life is a warning sign that there is friction in a core aspect in your life. In this article, Dr. Gervais makes the case that what we should strive for instead is being as present as possible. The search for balance means you are pushing back against what you should be doing; you're not present in whatever that is. He closes with actionable advise to tap into the present. 


The Year We Broke the Internet | Esquire

"One of these days a viral hoax is going to come along that we really should pay attention to, and our guards will be down because we've become conditioned to lump all information together into the LOL and #feelings files. And one of these days a fake news story is going to have some serious real world consequences too..."

Another journalist takes a jab at the monetization of the internet, causing bad behavior within individuals. If you want to make a living, virtue will only last so long because the numbers don't stack up is the message he sends. I think the largest take away is with the above quote. We are getting to point where we are cynical from faked content that we won't take something serious or worse, something faked will cause harm. 


The Evolutionary Power of Cities and Light | MIT Press Reader

"Artificial light is now deemed an “intrusion” into the park ecosystem, suggesting that the distinction between what is artificial and what is natural is not yet completely moot."

The affect artificial light is having on humans, let alone the rest of the ecosystem, is a very new area of science. The crazy part about this is that we've only had electric light for just over 100 years, and now we take it for granted without stopping to think about its impact. I think its time we start making a conscious effort on how our light affects not only the individual on a larger scale as well. 

Worth Watching


Be a Mr. Jensen | Clint Pulver

In this short inspirational video, Clint Pulver shares an inspirational story of the teacher that changed his trajectory. I resonated strongly with this story having a similar experience with my fourth-grade teacher when it comes to reading books. If it weren't for the impact Ms. Bisnack had made on me, I wouldn't be the reader than I am now. 

Worth Pondering


“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

— Blaise Pascal


This week is a wrap and plenty to chew over for this week! Feel free to let us know any thoughts and suggestions that may contribute to these posts. It may pop-up on Feeding Frenzy or develop into a full-fledged post of its own.

Stay curious, and have a great week!

Previous Editions of Feeding Frenzy Here

Check out our recent episodes:

#78 - Marcus Aurelius Anderson: Turning Adversity Into A Gift

#77 - How To Train Your Mind: Movement

#76 - Brian Kluska: Media, Challenging Assumptions and Being A Military Spouse

Check out our blogs:

JOKER Review: What Made This So…Disturbing? by Jordan Criss

Wearables: Meet WHOOP and Oura Ring by Erich Wenzel

Hard But Worth It: Three Life Changes To Break Out of A Rut by Jennifer McGregor

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