#19 - Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy is a weekly round-up of reading, listening, or watching that is worth your time. These posts will act as a weekly boost of signal above the noise that you can chew on over the week!

Worth Listening


#83 – Bill Harris, Ph.D.: Omega-3 fatty acids | The Drive with Peter Attia

"I don't think [omega-6] is the evil that people think it is. The problem is that we need to get more EPA and DHA in our diet, not necessarily get all hung up on omega-6." — Bill Harris

Dr. Harris is an internationally recognized expert on omega-3 fatty acids and how they can benefit patients with heart disease. He obtained his Ph.D. in Human Nutrition from the University of Minnesota. He did post-doctoral fellowships in Clinical Nutrition and Lipid Metabolism with Dr. Bill Connor at the Oregon Health Sciences University. This podcast helped me understand how omega-3 fatty acids are useful and were a hole in my nutritional routine. Listening to this, you’ll get a crash course in how omega-3 fatty acids help your body function and what you can do to get more EPA and DHA into your diet.

Worth Reading


The Tail End | Wait But Why

“It turns out that when I graduated from high school, I had already used up 93% of my in-person parent time. I'm now enjoying the last 5% of that time. We're in the tail end.”

As the end of the year comes closer, I thought it was worth revisiting this post by Tim Urban. I think it's worth putting the time in different contexts even more fun and colorful terms, but when you put in stark contrast with how much time you have left to spend with people like your parents. Our time is the most important resource we have. I try to think of the takeaways in this post regularly and thankful to have the bonds that I do with those I love. 


Yes, It's All Your Fault: Active vs. Passive Mindsets | Farnam Street

“An active attitude means ownership. You own your failures. An active mindset means you are responsible for things you control.”

The passive and active mindset is everything. When we externalize yourself of what happens, you stripe yourself of the responsibility on how you get to respond; you give the external factor the choice for you. But you can choose to take responsibility and adjust accordingly. 


Quality and effort | Seth Godin

“It seems ridiculous that a surgeon needs to write her name (with a Sharpie) on the limb that she's about to operate on, but this simple system adjustment means that errors involving working on the wrong limb will go to zero.”

Seth Godin is a prolific writer and thinker. This post is such an example of how he's able to think. I resonate deeply with the idea of building better systems, a system or checklist will cover you when enthusiasm and focus drift so that unforced errors it's not that being careful doesn't count. Eventually, we will make a mistake, but the system should be there correct for that before the error ever occurs. 

Worth Watching


I Made a Hi-Hat Machine - Will it Work? | Marble Machine X #108

I love this YouTube channel, and it is one of my weekly watches as this crazy project has progressed. What I do like about it is the attention to detail and no compromise to what he envisions. It is incredible to be a fly on the wall for this design and progression. As an engineer, this design is truly elegant and works exceptionally well. Another aspect of this project is how many people are crowdfunding this project. It shows the power of the internet to allow someone to chase an impossible dream.

Worth Pondering


"The task of a teacher is not to work for the pupil nor to oblige him to work, but to show him how to work."  

Wanda Landowska


This week is a wrap and plenty to chew over for this week! Feel free to let us know any thoughts and suggestions that may contribute to these posts. It may pop-up on Feeding Frenzy or develop into a full-fledged post of its own.

Stay curious, and have a great week!

Previous Editions of Feeding Frenzy Here

Check out our recent episodes:

#79 - Friendsgiving

#78 - Marcus Aurelius Anderson: Turning Adversity Into A Gift

#77 - How To Train Your Mind: Movement

Check out our blogs:

JOKER Review: What Made This So…Disturbing? by Jordan Criss

Wearables: Meet WHOOP and Oura Ring by Erich Wenzel

Hard But Worth It: Three Life Changes To Break Out of A Rut by Jennifer McGregor

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