Bill Gates, Breathwork, and Graphics Cards | Feeding Frenzy #36

Feeding Frenzy is a weekly post that is a collection of knowledge to absorb. Every week you can expect something worth listening, reading, watching, and pondering. Think of this as a boost of the signal above the noise! 

Here's some of what you can expect this week! Worth listening to, we have Bill Gates on The Armchair Expert Podcast. Some worth reading, we have a breathwork routine from Emily Abbate. Worth watching, we have a video from Linus Tech Tips covering Nvidia 30 series graphics cards' announcement. Plus, a few more things to keep you thinking through the week!

Image from Nvidia

Image from Nvidia

Worth Listening

Bill Gates | The Armchair Expert with Dax Sheperd

It's ever day you get to hear Bill Gates in a long-form interview. In terms of hard-hitting takeaways, I think this conversation serves to humanize him. Many of the knowledge of the type of person Bill was when growing and leading Microsoft. I think he's aware of that perception even to this day. Bill is aware of strengths and weaknesses but ever the student. 

Worth Reading

Here's A Simple Breathwork Routine for a Calmer, More Centered Day | GQ

I've explored different breathing protocols for a little while, and I came across this easy to implement routine as a start to adding breathwork to your routine. 


Researchers Doubt That Certain Mental Disorders Are Disorders At All | Forbes

"Defense systems are adaptations that reliably activate in fitness‐threatening situations in order to minimize fitness loss," they write. It's not hard to see how that could be true for anxiety; worry helps us avoid danger. But how can that be true for depression? They argue that the "psychic pain" of depression helps us "focus attention on adverse events... so as to mitigate the current adversity and avoid future such adversities."

Worth Watching

NVIDIA just made EVERYTHING ELSE obsolete | Linus Tech Tips

One interest that doesn't come up much here is computer hardware. Like many kids of the 90s, I became obsessed with video games and developed into a hobbyist version of building my computer as an experiment to understand how technology makes our lives so convenient possible. A graphics card renders all graphics produced to the monitor. These circuit boards are important for gaming, 3D effects, and other tasks on your computer. The big deal on the release of the 30 series cards is the jump in performance from the previous 20 series. For reference, the 3070 will provide the same performance as a 2080 ti. The price points are $500 and $1400 respectively, that's a massive jump in one generation. I'm excited for what's to come not only in gaming but also in other areas because of this hardware jump.

Worth Pondering

“Discipline is doing what you hate but doing it like you love it.” - Mike Tyson


This week is a wrap and plenty to chew over for this week! Feel free to let us know any thoughts and suggestions that may contribute to these posts. It may pop-up on Feeding Frenzy or develop into a full-fledged article of its own.

Stay curious, and have a great week!

You can find previous editions here.

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