Alec Eickert on Lessons from the Pain Cave

Alec returns to the podcast! This time to share his journey and lessons from ultra running. We had this conversation just days before he would attempt the Stagecoach 100.

About Alec:

Alec is a business owner, entrepreneur, ultra-runner, mountaineer, and travel fanatic. He believes in the power and resilience of the human spirit and one who perpetually seeks to optimize life in all of its pillars.

Professionally, Alec is currently the Managing Partner of BDV Capital Group, a boutique capital advisory firm that works with select investment groups, largely focused in the real estate private equity space. Alec comes from an entrepreneurial family and a real-estate-focused family business in recent years.

Personally, he is a former Division One athlete for the University of Oregon, and now an ultra-marathoner and an avid mountaineer.

Connect with Alec

Instagram @aleceickert


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First podcast:

Show Notes:

(00:00) Anything Seems Everything

(00:58) Intro

(02:25) Born to Run

(04:31) Why Alec started Ultra Running

(07:23) The first half marathon

(10:41) Death Valley Marathon

(21:05) Changing from a sprinters mentality

(23:18) What ultras or prolonged discomfort can teach you?

(27:33) Chicago 50K and 50 Mile Monument Valley

(33:20) 100K Blue Ridge Mountains

(35:17) Sky Runners

Kílian Jornet

(37:21) Relativity of the experience and pushing the edge

(40:30) Committing to Character

(47:09) Stagecoach 100

(53:54) Courtney Dauwalter and MOAB 240

Courtney Dauwalter

MOAB 240

(58:11) The Pain Cave