Jordan Criss on Workouts, One Year of Lockdown and Fulfillment

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In today's episode, I'm joined by my friend, Jordan Criss. What makes this podcast a little bit special is that Jordan was actually in person for this episode.

I'm sure most of you will be able to tell the impact of in-person as I felt in this conversation. I think there's just a certain level of energy that is brought to the table. When two people are in the same room, having an engaging conversation. And I really had a good time talking to Jordan as always.

We talk about the difference or the effect of workouts and mindfulness slash meditation. Highlighting what we think about this first year of the pandemic lockdown starting and how different life feels one year later or one year of living through this situation.

Last but not least, that was the through-line of this entire conversation: fulfillment and Jordan's background around creative interests and how society doesn't help foster creativity in people. We can maybe get more ideas on the table to help create a society in which more people can engage in their creative side.

With that, everyone, please enjoy this conversation with my friend, Jordan Criss.

Show Notes:

[00:03:26] Jordan being home and One Year Since Lockdown

1 Year Of COVID-19: People Share When They Realized Life Was Changing

Pandemic Social Life, One Year In

[00:05:33] Getting back to the gym

[00:07:23] Thinking better and movement

Using Movement to Regulate Emotion: Neurophysiological Findings and Their Application in Psychotherapy

[00:09:29] Short term intensity and focus

4 simple exercises to strengthen your attention and reduce distractibility

[00:11:17] Getting to flow with your life

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness

[00:14:48] Thoughts on Clubhouse

[00:16:51] What changes does Jordan notice since moving away? 

[00:19:44] Feeling Out of Place

[00:24:26] Getting closer to 30

[00:28:12] How do you use your leisure time?

[00:29:59] Sitting alone with yourself

Alone With Your Thoughts

[00:34:38] Aiming yourself for the future

[00:36:14] Finding your place

[00:39:55] How should society foster creativity?

Strengths & Virtues Fostering Creativity: 12 Tips for Boosting Your Creative Skills

[00:43:18] Fulfillment and creatives

[00:47:26] Differences in values

[00:48:14] Shoot for the stars

[00:51:25] Those who quit last equal success

[00:56:07] Your job is a vehicle to fulfillment

[00:57:55] Training to be aware of your thoughts and optimism

[00:59:41] Pathways to fulfillment

[01:02:45] Jordan and Music

[01:05:56] Kindred Spirits through craft

NF (Spotify Link)

Tim Ferriss

J. Cole (Spotify Link)

[01:09:10] Having a public image

11 Reasons Not to Become Famous (or “A Few Lessons Learned Since 2007”)

[01:11:14] Jordan's new recommendations

Terra Firma - Tash Sultana


Judas and The Black Messiah (Amazon) Rotten Tomatoes

The United States vs. Billy Holiday (Hulu) Rotten Tomatoes

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