#16 - Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy is a weekly round-up of reading, listening, or watching that is worth your time. These posts will act as a weekly boost of signal above the noise that you can chew on over the week!

Worth Listening

#1391 – Tulsi Gabbard & Jocko Willink | Joe Rogan Experience

Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) is a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard, the U.S. Representative (Democrat) for Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. Jocko Willink (@jockowillink) is a retired Navy SEAL, author, and podcast host.

Regardless of political leaning, I find this conversation incredibly enjoyable. We need more of our representatives able to speak openly about what they represent. The general public doesn't get a chance to hear from representatives besides well-crafted speeches and talk points from short interviews. We need places where we can get a feel for the people who are representing us, not just what bullet points that have to say. 

Worth Reading


To Make a Change at Work, Tell Yourself a Different Story | Harvard Business Review

“Reconstituting our stories so that they help us move in the direction we want to go is a process of choice and intentional sense-making.”

I believe understanding the stories we tell ourselves is key to leading fulfilling lives by our standard, not by what society tells us. As this piece shares the story of the internalized alpha male culture and how he no longer resonated with, it caused friction in the satisfaction of his life. This idea can be expanded on in all areas of our lives beyond what we do for work.


Your Brain 'Shields' Itself from the Existential Threat of Death | Live Science

"So "in order for us to develop this unique ability [to have a theory of mind], we also had to … develop this ability to deny reality, particularly death."“

This area of study is still much in development but seems to be able to open avenues in how consciousness works because we can associate death to some degree, but what the researches are trying to find is where the notion is activated in the brain. As the above quote theorizes that having a theory of mind we had to be able to deny reality as it shows itself. The next thread the researches are following is how the mediator's brains react to death. 

Worth Watching



With all the news from the unveiling of Cybertruck I thought to share this video of Simone Giertz modification of her Model 3 was in order. While I don't have too much opinion on trucks, but I can understand why Tesla went so far out on this design. The EV (electric vehicle) community is a different community than the truck community. They don't have the same aesthetic as the rest of the people who have bought into Tesla's (Elon Musk's vision), so they had to try to appeal to a different subset of the automotive world. Tesla could have gone the said route but instead decided to push the design in a new direction. Nick Buegel weighed in as a designer and said that the design is 100 years too early. If you think about the long term goals Elon has in place, the Cybertruck might be one of the first vehicles to go to mars in reality. 

Worth Pondering


"Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve and from which he cannot escape." — Erich Fromm

Bonus Podcast

Giving Thanks

This bonus episode is raw and emotional on why this website and podcast exist and give thanks to everyone who has been a part of it. This episode almost didn't get published. I played the audio for Joe Jackowski, and he said that's it because it is vulnerable. I was afraid to post it because of that. I hope you think about what's important for yourself to this holiday season.


This week is a wrap and plenty to chew over for this week! Feel free to let us know any thoughts and suggestions that may contribute to these posts. It may pop-up on Feeding Frenzy or develop into a full-fledged post of its own.

Stay curious, and have a great week!

Previous Feeding Frenzies: #1, #2 , #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15

Check out our recent episodes:

#76 - Brian Kluska: Media, Challenging Assumptions and Being A Military Spouse

#75 - Mike Hagensick: Education, Coaching and Fun Vs. Fulfillment

#74 - Wendy Jones: Lessons from an Optimist

Check out our blogs:

JOKER Review: What Made This So…Disturbing? by Jordan Criss

Wearables: Meet WHOOP and Oura Ring by Erich Wenzel

Hard But Worth It: Three Life Changes To Break Out of A Rut by Jennifer McGregor

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