Posts tagged Wellness
Darin Davidson on Medicine, Wellness and Mindfulness

Today on the podcast, we are joined by Darin Davidson. Darin is an orthopedic surgeon. Darin is the founder of Darin Davidson MD consulting to improve everyone’s health and wellness to integrate holistic principles within the traditional medical model. By combining the best available knowledge and evidence from all fields that contribute to human performance and wellness, such as medicine, psychology, sleep, nutrition, and exercise, we can obtain the greatest well-being.

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Andy Vasily: Darkness, Movement and Self Discovery

Andy Vasily is an educator who wants to push his understanding of teaching and learning to a deeper level. Andy decided to begin blogging to share his teaching practice and connect with other educators and top researchers around the world. The value that he saw in this exchange of vision and practical applications led to an enriched professional learning journey that he has shared with practitioners and scholars alike.

This conversation is a continuation of our first conversation you can listen to here. The first conversation covered Andy’s experiences related to travel, recovery, and connection. In this conversation, we expand on Andy’s inner exploration, starting with darkness in his life and experiences. Andy shares what works for him to keep the darkness from overwhelming him. We expand on the ideas of self-discovery and reflecting on your journey to help guide others on there own.

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